- Status Off Plan
- Area 140.9sqm
- Location Step One, Karsana East
- Type Residential (Terraced Duplex)
- Mortgage OptionPersonal Process
- Initial Deposit:50% Installment Payment
- Land MarkMab Global Estate
- DiscountNo fixed Discount
- Payment Term:3-6 months
- Completion Date:12 months from purchase date
- Title Type/Land StatusCertificate of Occupancy
- Price Range ₦59 - ₦59
The Luxury apartment stands as epitome of lifestyle living. This 4 bedroom lies the desire to deliver value thereby providing luxury comfort and value.
- Building Footprint 140.9sqm
- Site Boundary 284.sqm
Gym Facilites
Street Lights
Intercom and CCTV
Security Operation
Parking Areas
Communal Generators
Green Areas
Club House Facilities
- Step One, Karsana East
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