- Status Ongoing
- Area 2,279.32 sqm
- Location Katampe Main by Aso Radio, Abuja, FCT
- Type Residential
- Property Type:Bedroom Apartment
- Initial Deposit:140,000,000
- Land MarkBy Aso Radio, Katampe District, Abuja
- DiscountNot applicable
- Mortgage Option:Not applicable
- Completion Date7 months
- Payment Term:7 months
- Title Type/Land Status:FCDA, C of O
- Project Description5 families. 5 units of 5 bedroom fully detached triplex plus maid's room
- Price Range ₦300 - ₦350
Gym Facilites
Street Lights
Intercom and CCTV
Security Operation
Parking Areas
Communal Generators
Green Areas
Club House Facilities
Katampe Main by Aso Radio, Abuja, FCT
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